I am a WRITER.
>I use inkBLOOD as my pseudonym orpen name since high school.
>Horror is my forte/genre inwriting,but I also love to write romance, inspirationals, and stories that shownationalism.
>My biggest influences in writingare Sir Francis J. Kong, Bob Ong, Nicholas Sparks, Sir Ricky Lee, LualhatiBautista, F. Sionil Jose, Mr. John Saul, JD Salinger, Richard Matheson, andabove all, my Master STEPHEN KING.
>I always believe that the storyleads the reader to the storyteller,and not the other way around. That’s whywhen you read my stories, you can take a glance to whoI am.

I am a FOODIE.
>Somebody loves to eat just tolive, but I love to live just to eat.
>I love to cook Italian,French andChinese cuisines.
>I am allergic to seafoods but Ilove shrimps.
>There’s only one thing I can’teat – the CHORIZO. Even the smell of it makes me puke.:X
>Sinigang na bangus/hipon sabayabas is my ultimate favorite ulam. :P

>Movie Marathon is my favoritepast time.
>I love the films of StevenSpeilberg, James Cameron, Quentin Tarantino, Topel Lee, Mario J. Delos Reyes,Direk Chito Roño, Marilou Diaz-Abaya, Joel Lamangan, and Erik Matti.
> I am obsessed withHorror/Thriller films. Some of my ultimate favorites are Shutter, Mirrors, TheShining, The Mist, Final Destination Series, SAW series, Orphan, Insidious, EvilDead,..etc.

>I am a Catholic by birthcertificate and used to be a Born Again Christian by faith.
>Religion divides the world. It isone of the reasons why the world will never be together as one.
>So now,I just believe in theHigher Power. I don’t care if it’s Jehovah, Yahweh, Buddah, Allah, or whateverthe other religions call their Gods. I just believe that there is a SUPREME andALMIGHTY ONE that is responsible for my existence.
>Jesus Christ’s teachings willalways be my guide in life and my faith in Him will be forever.
>But for me, I am the God of myOwn.
>To EMMAN be the GLORY!
  • Cavite City
  • JoinedMarch 20, 2012


Story by Emman Yuel Glory