Summer! I'll try to actually write something and not delete it d(^u^
Sorry for being so picky about what to post ;____; I just want to make sure I have an idea that I'll stick with and won't abandon when people are into it! I don't want to half ass my books and want to post something I am, if not 100%then, at least 80% satisfied with! And I haven't come across an idea like that.
Hopefully my newest book I've started will meet my standards.
Keep an out for it! It's titled "Helix"!
And I like the world build, more like universe build XP
I'm planning out my characters and that usually is the hardest part for me (the part where I call a quits) u.u
Wish me luck!
I will try very hard to have something posted!
If I don't have anything posted may I have some sort of bad luck that doesn't permanently affect my life (like maybe I can stub my picky toe or something like that)