
@persiphone ok will check it out :)


hey thank you sooooooo much for fanning me!!!!!!! i really really appreciate it!!
          and thanks for all the votes on Alpha bloodlines! glad your enjoying, if you get time maybe you'll check out my other two (especially Nothing left to lose as personally i think that's the best of the three!!!)  
          new chapts of all three will be posted tomorrow hopefully you'll check them out and let me know what you think!
          thanks again Kirsty xx
          ps your background wallpaper is a bit racy!!! i was looking at it then realised the girl had her hands down the guys trousers and laughed my ass off!!!!! 


          I was wondering if you could read my stories “infamy” or “horror story” or “Ouija Board’s Revenge” or my new story “the Ghost Attack”.
          Comment? Vote? Or become a fan? Or become a fan of my sister ( “HelloJustin” ) as she has come up with the title of the stories and i write the story and she reads it and says if it’s good or not.
          It would be much appreciated