السلام عليكم ورحمة لله وبركاته...

Just Another Muslim trying to motivate myself to do good by encourage others to do it as well...

If you are reading this and you've read my book/ added it to your library... And if you want to be part of this Muslim Community on Wattpad that encourages others as well as ourselves to do good deeds...
A few Ahadeeth to encourage us: (Something to this effect)
"The best of deeds are that which are done regularly, even if it may be a few in quantity"

"Those who encourage others to do good deeds will get the reward like the ones who do the good deeds"

(This doesn't mean they're taking the reward of the person doing good...Rather it means that you'll get reward for encouraging the good deed)

All of these good deeds are light on the tongue but heavy on the scales..

(Meaning that all the good deeds that will be in the book are going to be light on the tongue... Meaning to recite one سبحان اللة is so easy for us, but the rewards are so great)

If read this till the end and you're going to read my book, then post #Muslims on my message board..

P.s I will NOT be talking about any topics that I have not been educated on or have no information on..
  • EntrouOctober 12, 2017