
I think I'll start being active again, I can't make any promises though


Hello! I checked out your bio, and we were born on the same day, just different years. We're 4 years apart. Just thought I'd tell ya.


@AlexTaniyama you're the eldest.


@TheUnknownPilot  That's cool! Am I the eldest? Or is it you?


Kyle loves y', lass!!! *giggles* He really w'nts t' talk t' ya' b't he's been bussyy~!


No problem!!! Nice mett'n' ya' too!


@Ireland_APH It was very nice meeting you and before I forget, thank you for the follow 


♥♥♥Thank you everyone for your kind words. I really, really appreciate them. You guys really helped me get through this rut. And I couldn't be anymore thankful! I may not be fully recovered but I'm getting there. Once again, thank you guys so much, for everything!♥♥♥
          P.S. I have a few new books that will be coming out soon and I kinda need name suggestions
           ^-^`  So feel free to drop names down below and I'll be sure to check them out! 
          P.P.S I will continue my other books in a while, I just have to come up with a schedule and start prewriting chapters so that I won't be overwhelmed. 
          P.P.P.S  Thanks again ♥♥♥


I don't personally know you but I really hope that you feel better soon! Clinical depression is very difficult to live with and I'm sure you can get through it. It may seem very dark now but please please don't do anything harmful to yourself. You are precious in this world and all your followers/readers love you. And please don't turn away from your friends or family. Some of them might not fully understand what you're going through but they all wish to help you. I read your books, but I don't vote or comment because I usually don't. From now on, I will, okay?
          Once again, I hope you feel better soon! Don't force to do anything uncomfortable and do what you want to do.


@IberiaBell Thank you! I cannot express how thankful I am for your kind words ♥


So, I've been dealing with clinical depression for the past week or two and I just need a break from everything. I'll try to update even though I no longer enjoy to write. Or anything for that matter. 
          Thanks for understanding


            sprry my autocorrect is acting up


            Doll, dont let this get to you. If you want to go away from wattpad and hide in a hole then okay.  but dont give up.  But there is one thing i must tell you. Love, think of all the people you know.  go to them.  they will help you if they are true.  please do not dl anything irrational to yourself like i did.  i want you to know better than that. you are an amaxing human being.  you got so many followers, made so many people happy, made so many people laugh. i believe in you and knkw yoh can overcome this.  just take a break and perservere.  Cheers, love.


@AlexTaniyama It's not a problem at all!   I was saying what my heart was telling me.