In case you missed the news, "Book 5: The Bewitchment of The Earthling Saiyan" has been confirmed. Check out the latest art book update for in-depth news.
Anyways, again, there's no set release date. However, I have reached the point I can properly title the first few chapters.
Behold, the official names of the first five chapters as a sneak peak! (Just beware of possible spoilers, maybe? Maybe not. It's like, super vague.)
*** (These may slightly change...)
Chapter 1: It’s time to scout for the future! Presenting the next generation!
Chapter 2: Stay on guard, Karot! Meet the Orange-Star Justice Fighters!
Chapter 3: The true meaning behind hope! Make way for the youth!
Chapter 4: Strangers only get stranger! Keep up your facade!
Chapter 5: Preparation set in stone! Investigation is now under way!
Hmm what could be happening here? Good question.
But you want to know something funny?
My favorite chapters (so far) don't come until later.
Chapters 6-8, really. For what reason? I can't say. But let's say those also have scenes written down. ^^
But that's how far the "writing ahead" goes. I can't proceed without polishing up the others.
I'm actually have a ton of fun writing these. Usually I find myself stumped, and it takes ages for me to get a paragraph done. So I'm taking advantage of this motivation and writing what I can.
Did I get possessed and wrote an ungodly amount of words?
No. Lol
But I know exactly where it's going.
Let's just say I learned a new strategy that makes writing easier for me.
(Extended in comments)