Alright, seeing as I'm already behind where I planned to be with this thing, I'm going to start anew. I'm redoing many of Blood's chapters and will be posting new ones once I'm done reviewing the old.
In light of my renewed vigor and passion for writing (plus the removal of a certain deadline I'd placed on myself), I've decided to announce to who ever reads these dumb things that Blood has become a trilogy. With its page count reaching 500+ and my lack of willingness to shorten it rapidly growing, I have decided to cut Jason's journey into three parts following his evolution as a character.
Unfortunately, this means that Reblogged is on an indefinite hiatus, though I think this only really effects @bitter- and even then I don't know if they mcuh care anymore. I will likely add a number of chapters to Reblogged after I finish editing each book in the Blood trilogy, but it definitely won't be finished for a while.
Alright, now to make some progress! As always, I'm happy if you read anything I've written (including this), but not offended if you don't.
Oh, and remember: your favourite character dies! :)