
Sometimes I wish I had a magic wand to swoosh all the bad away in a flash , but unfortunately  no . There are times that life involves  to much negativity  that I think it may become a whirlpool of nothingness  and I am being swallowed , but I just need to focus entirely in myself in order for me to become health . Easier said than done ? Huh?? Yeah, hence the magic wand ... either way please if anyone  is there  like I am ... take a breather and count to 100 but everything g will be OK.  Have hope in yourself and in what You believe in . Chin up 


@EstellaZenda Be healthy and take care of yourself phii . Really admire your positivity always . Same words for you too.  Hope you are now doing okay . ♥️


@EstellaZenda A reminder is always a good thing.  Stop, breathe and look outside.  See nature again,  we tend to ignore what is commonplace and focus on the “fires” only.   Even a whirlpool of “nothingness” is actually something.  Take care and I will breathe along with you.


Sometimes I wish I had a magic wand to swoosh all the bad away in a flash , but unfortunately  no . There are times that life involves  to much negativity  that I think it may become a whirlpool of nothingness  and I am being swallowed , but I just need to focus entirely in myself in order for me to become health . Easier said than done ? Huh?? Yeah, hence the magic wand ... either way please if anyone  is there  like I am ... take a breather and count to 100 but everything g will be OK.  Have hope in yourself and in what You believe in . Chin up 


@EstellaZenda Be healthy and take care of yourself phii . Really admire your positivity always . Same words for you too.  Hope you are now doing okay . ♥️


@EstellaZenda A reminder is always a good thing.  Stop, breathe and look outside.  See nature again,  we tend to ignore what is commonplace and focus on the “fires” only.   Even a whirlpool of “nothingness” is actually something.  Take care and I will breathe along with you.


No worries , I’ll be retracting all my stories and removing a name and placing another name . I truly wish all authors that have written MewGulf  stories to leave them as is, if they are complete. These Amazing stories I will Always cherish in my heart , once n awhile I re-read them just to pick up my spirits . This time I will be finishing my stories ! But now I need to re-write the updates to them . Believe me they will be good but not as good as other authors Amazing stories …. Bear with me please . I will have hope  that Gulf will truly find someone whom will LOVE  HIM UNCONDITIONALLY ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️


I was thinking about blackening a tattoo, I got a couple of yrs ago ( someone’s name ) or should I place colorful flowers over it ??? By the way it’s a name that no longer has any significance to me any more . Not my kids names either . What do you all think???? It’s about 2 inches long and an 1 inch wide ???? 


Today , I’m a year older . Yes.  :(   I guess my mind still thinks I’m 25. My body just flipped me the bird and told me … I’m Stupid.  :) . Have a great day everyone and have a great weekend 


@EstellaZenda I'm late! Happy birthday!!


@ShraddhaK5 Thank you so much for your well wishes . Have a great weekend my friend .   :)


I need to vent out . So bear with me guys. I have 2 ASD ( Autism Spectrum Disorder) girls . And my youngest was diagnosed with ADHD and now was diagnosed with ODD( ( Oppositional Defiant Disorder) and has been very aggressive in all ways . I am going through my health issues and having PTSD doesn’t help . So sometimes I feel like I’m not a great mother to her … I don’t want her to feel this way. I feel like I let her down . Her father doesn’t help at all . Sometimes I wish I had a “ magic wand “ to switch it away and make everything better. And having hand surgery recently has made it more difficult now . I have severe nerve damage in my left hand that I can’t hold not pick up anything and sometimes my cell falls down ( which I already broke :(———- so I want to continue my stories but I just can’t now I’m so drained and exhausted that I’m running on my last batteries literally:( ——— I guess just need some good vibes . It sucks to be me now but ‍♀️.  What can I do …. Just hope for the best . And see how this turns out . 


@EstellaZenda sending a lots of virtual hugs to you too and stay strong dear !


@Niharikachintam thank you for your kind words . Big hug to you ♥️


I haven't seen some one this strong in my life. You are doing great as a human and also as a mother. It's your first time doing parenting and no need to burden yourself by overthinking. The fact that you are thinking to do best for your children is something great and your girls are lucky to have a mother like you. Keep fighting and if you feel too much to bare and want some one to rant, I'm always here. You don't remember I guess but your comments on my story made me feel great when I was low and I'll be there for you dear. I pray for god for your health and your childrens health. 