HI my darlings, it’s Estyshawl. First of all, I wanted to wish you all a happy new year. I pray that this year would bring nothing short of peace and happiness and goodness for every single one of us and our loved ones❤️.
Second of all, I wanted to make a huge announcement that I am OFFICIALLY back on Wattpad.
I’m really grateful to you guys for constantly checking up on me, and asking about my well being. Honestly, your thoughtfulness and patience is truly outstanding. No, I did not die. No I was not jeopardized in any way (health-wise). So why then did I take a break off Wattpad?
I had to take a One Year break off wattpad because of School. I don’t pay my own bills, lol, my parents do, and I think it’s only fair of them to expect me to do well academically.
You guys know that all my novels are free on wattpad right? None are paid stories, and they will continue to remain that way. But then, writing wasn’t fetching me any sort of income and it wasn’t feasible at all, all throughout last year, to continue pouring hours every week, into writing, especially because of how hectic school was, that year after Corona Virus.
Anything you’re putting a whole lot of time into, that you love, if it isn’t generating any sort of income for you, is at that instant, just a hobby, and not a career. So I really needed to focus on school.
I remember it being a really big decision that I had to take at the time. Because school happened only once, and you can never go back to re-sit an exam, if you didn’t like the grades you got, especially if you knew that you could have done better.
I didn’t come on here to tell you guys that I was taking a break off wattpad because I didn’t even know that the break would be anywhere near this long. Nigeria’s academical system is practically unpredictable and dangerous. It’s a wonder any of us do so well academically. A whole lot of work is done more by the students than by the teachers.