Hey. If you're interested in Brothers Conflict stories then I am writing one right now. So do check out my story and tell me how it is! Bye.
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Hey guys! I want you guys to help me here, I need a new idea for a fanfiction to write and what to write it about. If you guys could help me I would so appreciate it! Thanks my dears.
@Esuriness Person G + Person H. Person G and Person H are the same gender. They are both straight. They are both fighting over Person C. Person G is poor. G lives with Gs parents who work a difficult full time job as a construction worker and a post office person. G makes the best out of a difficult situation. H is rich. H lives with Hs dad because Hs mom left at age 2. H's Dad is a billionare. H gets everything he wants but love. G doesn't have anything but love. H and G think that C's obvious choice is H because he has money. C can't decide between H and G. C creates a game. It is a wilderness game. They have to survive in the wild together. C is watching the whole time during this because H and G are inside a gigantic dome with cameras everywhere. During this C sees their real personalities. How caring they are, how thoughtful, strong, honest and loyal they are. They were together for months to survive. Eventually H and G got to know each other. H and G fell in love. C was surprised. C went crazy. Before C could have H and G, Now C couldn't have either of them. This upset her so much she tried to kill them by putting tigers and snakes into the dome. As long as H and G were together, They survived. Their bond grew stronger. H and G escaped the dome. C gave up on them. H let G move into their mansion. I don't know either...
@Esuriness Person F + Person E. Person F bullies E. Person F's parents kicked him out of the house when F came out of the closet. (Whatever sexuality.) F forgets about his own life when F beats up genderqueer E. E is wimpy and sad but intelligent. E tells F that E doesnt mind getting beat up. E stands up tall whenever F hits E. E stays strong. Eventually this beats up F because F can't understand why E can be so strong, When F is in pieces on the inside. F cries. E asks F if F is okay, in general. F says F is fine. E doesnt believe F but hugs F anyway. They hug. F takes E to the nurse.(In School) When E is better. E asks F if F is okay. This time F says that F's parents are assholes. E understands they hug. F tries to make up for beating up E by taking E out for dinner. They eat dinner and fall in love. F is popular. F can't let people know his sexuality. F still beats up E at school because of his friends. F finally gets fed up. E is crying on the floor. F can't handle it and punches his friends. F helps E to get better. The next day, F's friends find out about their relationship. F is stronger so the friends don't bother them. F's parents find out about the relationship. F has to move to another city. Few years later. E is tough and strong. E was upset F left so he toughened up. E forgot F. F came home. E remembers F. E is mad at F. F loves E. E gets in a fight downtown. The people E is fighting have a gun. E is about to get shot. F runs in and pushes E out of the way. F gets shot in the leg. They go to the hospital. F gets better. They get married in a place far from F's parents. I just made that up too.
@Esuriness Person A + Person B. Person A is an Angel (or some kind of good creature). Person B is an evil creature. Person B is on a mission to kill A on a specific day. Person B meets A and they become friends. B is mean to A but A is still positive. B recognizes this and is confused. B thinks A is different. B falls in love with A but has to kill them. Person B decides to not kill A. B kidnaps A they go far away. A is mad at B. B loves them and protects them no matter what. They fall in love. B's master finds out. B's master kills B. B dies. A is too good to commit suicide. A lives a horrible life. A tries to die to be with B. Blah blah blah. I dont know. I just kind of thought of that plot out of no where.
Hey. If you're interested in Brothers Conflict stories then I am writing one right now. So do check out my story and tell me how it is! Bye.
Hey guys! I want you guys to help me here, I need a new idea for a fanfiction to write and what to write it about. If you guys could help me I would so appreciate it! Thanks my dears.
@Esuriness Person G + Person H. Person G and Person H are the same gender. They are both straight. They are both fighting over Person C. Person G is poor. G lives with Gs parents who work a difficult full time job as a construction worker and a post office person. G makes the best out of a difficult situation. H is rich. H lives with Hs dad because Hs mom left at age 2. H's Dad is a billionare. H gets everything he wants but love. G doesn't have anything but love. H and G think that C's obvious choice is H because he has money. C can't decide between H and G. C creates a game. It is a wilderness game. They have to survive in the wild together. C is watching the whole time during this because H and G are inside a gigantic dome with cameras everywhere. During this C sees their real personalities. How caring they are, how thoughtful, strong, honest and loyal they are. They were together for months to survive. Eventually H and G got to know each other. H and G fell in love. C was surprised. C went crazy. Before C could have H and G, Now C couldn't have either of them. This upset her so much she tried to kill them by putting tigers and snakes into the dome. As long as H and G were together, They survived. Their bond grew stronger. H and G escaped the dome. C gave up on them. H let G move into their mansion. I don't know either...
@Esuriness Person F + Person E. Person F bullies E. Person F's parents kicked him out of the house when F came out of the closet. (Whatever sexuality.) F forgets about his own life when F beats up genderqueer E. E is wimpy and sad but intelligent. E tells F that E doesnt mind getting beat up. E stands up tall whenever F hits E. E stays strong. Eventually this beats up F because F can't understand why E can be so strong, When F is in pieces on the inside. F cries. E asks F if F is okay, in general. F says F is fine. E doesnt believe F but hugs F anyway. They hug. F takes E to the nurse.(In School) When E is better. E asks F if F is okay. This time F says that F's parents are assholes. E understands they hug. F tries to make up for beating up E by taking E out for dinner. They eat dinner and fall in love. F is popular. F can't let people know his sexuality. F still beats up E at school because of his friends. F finally gets fed up. E is crying on the floor. F can't handle it and punches his friends. F helps E to get better. The next day, F's friends find out about their relationship. F is stronger so the friends don't bother them. F's parents find out about the relationship. F has to move to another city. Few years later. E is tough and strong. E was upset F left so he toughened up. E forgot F. F came home. E remembers F. E is mad at F. F loves E. E gets in a fight downtown. The people E is fighting have a gun. E is about to get shot. F runs in and pushes E out of the way. F gets shot in the leg. They go to the hospital. F gets better. They get married in a place far from F's parents. I just made that up too.
@Esuriness Person A + Person B. Person A is an Angel (or some kind of good creature). Person B is an evil creature. Person B is on a mission to kill A on a specific day. Person B meets A and they become friends. B is mean to A but A is still positive. B recognizes this and is confused. B thinks A is different. B falls in love with A but has to kill them. Person B decides to not kill A. B kidnaps A they go far away. A is mad at B. B loves them and protects them no matter what. They fall in love. B's master finds out. B's master kills B. B dies. A is too good to commit suicide. A lives a horrible life. A tries to die to be with B. Blah blah blah. I dont know. I just kind of thought of that plot out of no where.
How are you my dears? I will take a short break this weekend and into this upcoming week. Hopefully I get something up by Wednesday but I am not sure, no promises. I love you all, thank you so much for the support, and if you have any questions or ideas leave a comment here, message me, or leave a comment on one of my books. Bye Bye!
I have decided that in order to make me follow you, not that it is really that a big deal, we need to have some joke, funny moment, weird connection, awesome suggestion, or memorable moment, in either a pm or the comments. It won't be hard either, not that winning into my following box is that spectacular but I still think it would be fun. Love you all, my dear readers.
@Illuminant_Otaku XD your like "if you are not able to make me laugh you are not worthy of thy follow"
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