
Hello everyone! :) So sorry for disappearing. As some of you may have read in one of my poems, I was busy preparing for my cousin's visit. Unfortunately afterwards, my parents became sick, so I decided to play nurse and take care of them. Then I became sick. :( Good news is that a whole day of sleep and some medicine has me cured! :) 


Hello everyone! :) So sorry for disappearing. As some of you may have read in one of my poems, I was busy preparing for my cousin's visit. Unfortunately afterwards, my parents became sick, so I decided to play nurse and take care of them. Then I became sick. :( Good news is that a whole day of sleep and some medicine has me cured! :) 


I carry the conviction that you will uncover a new source of inspiration soon Nicholas. :) It is very uplifting to hear your condition has improved. Also, thank you so much for adding "Daring Names" to your reading list! This is a great priviledge that I am sincerely grateful for. :) 


Thank you, for following back!! I just wanted to say that I love your work so much. It makes me feel this way that's rather hard to describe. It's like this mysterious aura that is seen when I read your poems. I don't what it is (lol) . But I just love it and it's inspiring in so many ways. I admire you, for the way you write your poems. I wish someday I could write the way you do. But for now I'll just enjoy reading your work. Hope you write lots (lol).  
          Oh, and good luck on your new book (Daring Names)! Can't wait!!


I'm glad you enjoyed reading them, especially Florence. :) You described their aura very well too. By the way, I just published the first parts of "Daring Names!"