Hiya, my name's Evona & I'm just another (hobby) artist /musician/writer.

I guess I'll be publishing works in English only, but since it is not my native language, I'd ask you to be not too hard on me.

Criticism, fan fiction request, and other kinds of feedback will gladly be taken into consideration. However, I will not be able to fulfil everyone's wishes, sorry.

Here is a list of fandoms I would/will write fanfictions to (different AU's included):
- Game of Thrones
- The Witcher
- Pitch Perfect
- ...
Of course, this list will be changed and updated over the course of time, but these are the fandoms I'll probably stick to for a while.

I'll be writing stories/fanfictions with mature content; in most cases also with LGBTQ+ couples. If this is not your thing, that's fine, but please save your breath on toxic remarks - nobody needs that, alright?

Anyway, I hope you'll enjoy my works and leave a comment or two (constructive criticism will be considered, insults will not).

Cheers, Evona ʢᵕᴗᵕʡ
  • IscrittoMay 26, 2016


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