
Happy 5th Anniversary Monsta X!!!! #HappyMonstaXDay #5thAnniversary #MonbebeXMonstaX
          	We will support you until the end... Continue to inspire other people through your music!! Take care!!  ^_^ God Bless...


Happy Birthday Luhan!! I love you.. We are just here to support you in your career.. I am proud of you that you didn't stop achieving your dreams. I am overwelmed that I met you in Exo..Even though you are not a part of Exo but I just want to say that in our hearts you are a part of Exo..because We are One.. We miss you Luhan.. We are here to support you every step of your journey..Stay Humble.. and God Bless..Saranghae!!


Happy Birthday to our Maknae Oh Sehun!!! Saranghae!! Continue to be an example and inspire other people. More blessings and achievements will come into your life and Exo.. Take care of yourself.. Exo-Ls   are here to support you every step of the way.. Be happy and continue to do your best.. Stay humble..I love you Sehun!! God bless.. Lovelotss


Belated Happy B day Yoo Kihyun!! I love you! Take care.. We are really greatful that you are a part of Monsta X.. You are our precious hamster.. Remember that Monbebes are here to support you We are here always at your side whenever you need us.. We love you Kiki.. I wish you Good health and genuine happiness.. We are here to support Monsta X and continue to support until the end.. I love you Kiki.. Thank you for being an inspiration to me and for all the Monbebes.. Remember that you are loved.. Once again Happy B day!! 


Happy B day to our sunshine Lee Minhyuk!! May this day a wonderful day to you. You make our hearts shine because of your smile. I just wanna say Thank you, you are so precious to us Monbebes.. so dont cry because you deserve to be happy... you deserve a genuine happiness, We are here for you and for all the members.. I love you once again Happy B day!!God Bless..