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Hey everyone it’s my the owner of this account and I’m probably gonna get some people mad here but if I don’t then yay but anways it’s me Faat_nugget69 enough with the chit chat lemme tell you why I haven’t been updating for almost like 2 weeks So y’all may of may not know I’m clumsy asf and make big regrets if ya don’t know this then there you go What basically happened is this account got deleted and I couldn’t get it back because I dont remember the password I used on it and that made me sad,angry,confused,and most importantly miss my followers on here and and making some decent ass quality content on this account but I fucked up and this shit happened and now you have me explaining myself But seriously I’m not expecting anyone to read this or believe me But if ya do then please forgive me Also if you want more info go massages me on this account - -> @Coco_aka_Coconut Anyways I hope you believed me and this account is not active I’ll be using this account or all my stories I’m sorry I hope you can forgive me