
Well, this is arkward to say but I finished the story of "MS München's adventure". There will be no further Updates on it. But do not worry. In a fortnight, a new story shall begin. What is new story all about? Well, there is a certain universe where everyone starts to intervene but has unexpectedly ran into the Problem of "What now?", seemingly incapable to end the story for good. I, on the other hand, will finish the Enigma, with a little Twist inbetween. 
          	And no, its not the Americans who get to lead the show, this scenery happened way too often that I simply decided to use a country that you should by now be familiar with. Have a great weekend!


Well, this is arkward to say but I finished the story of "MS München's adventure". There will be no further Updates on it. But do not worry. In a fortnight, a new story shall begin. What is new story all about? Well, there is a certain universe where everyone starts to intervene but has unexpectedly ran into the Problem of "What now?", seemingly incapable to end the story for good. I, on the other hand, will finish the Enigma, with a little Twist inbetween. 
          And no, its not the Americans who get to lead the show, this scenery happened way too often that I simply decided to use a country that you should by now be familiar with. Have a great weekend!


Is it a weird thing to say that I prepared around 24 chapters for one book and finished and prepared 10 more chapters for a soon-to-be released book?
          Yes or no?
          I am telling myself to shift a gear lower but my mind basically says "NOPE!" and goes straight back into action.


Nah it’s normal at least I write 2-3 chapters so i have some time to write more as I slowly release chapters


Alright, does somebody have a suggestion for the Economic Alliance? I can't really keep this up, else I am going crazy. Until somebody gives me a perfect name it is going to stay. Remember guys;
          Weimar Republic, Northern Parliament, Intermarium, Baltic Confederation, Benelux Confederation, Sakura Empire, Dragon Empery, Sardegna Empire, Heliux Empire, Kalmar Union and many South American Nations are also in the alliance.
          Something AXIS may work but nothing too ultra nationalistic.


In the ms muchen wouldn't she be able to have small as guns on her hull?


@spartanNeko While that may be the case 37.134 long tons were already taken up with the 26.100 PS (Sulzer 9RND90) Dieselmotor. Additionally, that tonnage was also holding up the 43.000 ton Load capacity. With the thin deck, high crane and overstacking lighters (barges) the field of fire would greatly diminish in an instant.
            All in all, keeping the ship stabilized would be the highest priority. The WW2 weapons would be too heavy for such thinly built ship. In fact, converting it to an Aircraft Carrier would be useless too and would make the Shinano (CV) like a brilliant idea from the get-go.
            So no, placing weapons on a Cargo ship that has such huge superstructures and cargo capacity, but so little space unused would be idiotic.


Well, now that both of my currently published stories have broken the 1K views mark, I can officially say that I simply did not expect this. I prepared myself to be ridiculed by random people, but looking at it... I am just happy.
          I will be publishing both stories, of course, although only one chapter of each book will be published on Saturday and Sunday respectively in the following months. I don't want you guys to be inundated with half-assed chapters.


@FabMichGloe Just like many others already said, don't write for the sake of the readers but write for yourself. After all, these are your stories - Don't let yourself be influenced by people who do nothing but throw hate at you.
            Keep going at your own pace and don't let yourself get stressed about "not writing chapters fast enough". Honestly, that was a trap I fell into a little bit myself before I finished my own story.


@FabMichGloe It's definitely a weird experience, I was exactly the same when "The Reclaimers" passed 1k.
            Just keep on keeping on, and keep that pen moving 


@FabMichGloe Don't worry, since stories are the mirror of their author, you should attract people that have the same vision as you.
            And even if you meet bad reader, an author on Wattpad can delete comments.
            I had to do this with one peculiar American that was an US supremacist, he had so little thing to do of his days he would write offensive comments about France, even going as far as creating fake account to make it like he wasn't the only one to think that way. But I know for a fact, that he is intellectually deficient.
            It say a lot about how pathetic this dude was.


I find the statistics on each own story... fascinating. Especially the "Demographics", where the world map simply shows which country has the highest percentage. Like, who is reading my in Peru? And who is in Russia? And why is 29% of my reader coming from Indonesia and USA?
          Escpecially the "Interactions", where we I can see how the 'Vote' just jump up on one day and crash into the floor on the following day.


@Maxiception your messages are my slightest concern. I already had to deal (as the DMs were still open) with egoistic, rascists, outright pro-NoNo party, genocidal idiots. As of right now I am trying to figure how to describe a battle (1 shipgirl vs 5+ shipgirls), by which one has a large margin of advantages.


@FabMichGloe Roger that, will do.  And honestly, the same for me with what you said at the beginning. I saw a few stories and thought "Screw it, I'll do it myself even if it sucks or not" and suddenly I find myself with over 30 chapters written. Thanks for the feedback, though! (I had a slight feeling that Hessen was slightly too OP... And yea, judging by certain past chapters, I believe you are right.)That will help massively with the rewrite I planned upon completion.
            (Also I am sorry if i spammed your notifications with my unneeded messages. Would have sent you a DM but Wattpad removed the feature. You're free to delete my messages if you want to.)


@ Maxiception funnily enough it is my first time that I write a story, let alone two. I simply had thought, after reading all those stories on Ao3 and Wattpad and I was like, "Should I try or not?"
            I am not the person who would even ask a girl out, let alone know how to talk without stuttering and ramble non-stop about historical facts.
            Your stories, while slightly overpowering the characters (especiallythe Deutschen Frigatten), their characters and how they are fluidly be brought into the world is also great. Some writers jump dump new characters and be done with it or let them Go in the next chapter or forget that they exist for like twenty chapters. 
            That is how I felt with the three characters I have chosen (you should probably already figured who I mean) and decided "F*** it! Let's write!" And here we are.
            I give you a hint for next three chapters:
            Look up Operation Alacrity and prepare your fire extinguisher.


Decided to release a part of the actual chapter. I had quickly realised that the soon to be gunfight might be around 3-4 thousands alone (including dialouge) and the current chapter was already over 3K. Have fun with the chapter.