Derp: Ok, about my last post.... it is also my animatronic Pepples the Derpy Panda.
Come sit children and I will tell you the story of Pepples (Animatronic version) she was one of the new animatronics in '87. She came the day before the bite. Yessss she was also a human before but this is the Animatronic version. After the bite well she was on stage. She used to be a story teller and sat next to kids but know she only reads on stage. Then one day a kid came up to her. That kid was the typical bully and tore out her eye because it was in another direction then the other. (The pic on my profile is when she looks in the camera) They never bothered to fix her because her replacement came in FnaF 2. Pepples was old and rusted. Her replacement's name was Peppy the Proper Panda. She taught kids about manners and was the cause for the restaurant to close but well we will find out why in a fanfic.......