@A_girl_With-a-Pen Hey! So so far, I've been really enjoying what you have, though I've only gotten through the prologue.
The prologue is quite an action-packed entrance and immediately hooks the reader! A lot is going however and you use quite a few military terms, maybe consider putting at the end or beginning of the prologue a dictionary? That is solely a recommendation though.
One thing, the prologue is over 26 minutes long! While this isn't the end of the world, most prologues on wattpad are only a few paragraphs long, (max 10 minutes). Most prologues on average are around 1,500-2,500. Maybe consider putting that as maybe a chapter 1? Again it's not the end of the world and the beautifully described sentences and action-packed paragraphs make up for the long duration of the prologue. Anyways, I loved what you had so far and I'm super excited to get back into the chapters.
On a different note though, there probably won't be a schedule for how many chapters I can read and when I can get them done, since Christmas is coming up. So a week might go back when I don't get to the next chapter in your book.
Have a wonderful weekend!