
If life was a teen movie, we’d be the guys in the hallway scene who don’t even get a speaking line.


Your poetry book that u wrote for me is 169 in ranking out of 300k!!!?? Wow ur winning and i feel honouredddd 


@TessaYoung5 and...i am also working on that smut story..just like how you want it...dont be surprised when i post it here haha...and then i want to have your thoughts on that ehm ehm..


@TessaYoung5 You have no idea how much that means to me. Knowing that you feel this way makes every word I wrote for you even more special. And honestly, if anyone should be flexing, it’s me...for having you..(i can write for you all my life...and i dont want credits either...i do this out of love..) 


@Faisal_Writes hahahah ofc they dont know anything. But having a guy like you for me? Its such a flex lol, its hard to keep it a secret. I wish i could tell the whole world how you've written the most beautiful poetry for me. Its just that beautiful ♡


If u were a song, it would be Guilty As Sin by Taylor Swift. 


@TessaYoung5 Haha... careful now… I might just take you up on that... Imagine the chaos we'd bring together....unstoppable...irresistible..and completely lost in each other.


@Faisal_Writes fine ill have to marry u too (dont threaten me with a good time) hehehe


@TessaYoung5 haha you are shhhoooo cute ❤️ and I dont want to wattpad report u...and before u would do anything reckless to urself...i will marry you 


Ur so hot in the pic damn. Im feelings weird things .-.


@Faisal_Writes yeah for now, ill have to stick with my imagination and bad fantasies. 


@Faisal_Writes just very very wrong feelings u wouldn't want to know about...


@TessaYoung5 and about those weird feelings well me more… because if just a picture is doing that to you... I can only imagine what I'd do if I were right there... whispering in your ear instead.


Hii! I also wrote a poem for u in return as a gift? I thought I'd reciprocate the gesture :))) if u would consent, i could create a new book on my poems and post it there. Its called the unconfession (lol its not the best, but i tried ;-;). So here it goes:
          Without ever knowing him, was it limerence at first sight,
          Or just a fleeting feeling, like a deer caught in the dead of night?
          A loner who never had, with smudged letterings of my meant to bes,
          Clinging to every glimmer of hope, trying again only to feel.
          For a deprived loner, the thrill of pursuit felt rare,
          Like a starved offered something, too startled to dare.
          Barren lands of my heart, crisp leaves swaying in the winds of hope,
          Like a pendulum, the feelings swinging back and forth.
          Would you blame me, for chasing any flickers of light,
          Like a moth to a flame, in their darkest, unaccompanied nights?
          Like dominoes cascading in a line, the feelings unstoppable,
          The slightest touch of the pen, and the ink bleeds on an already written novel.
          Was time only meant to flick the moments away?
          Or was this just a bled poem, a lovestruck novel, or a keepsake?
          You rewrote the first chapter of my once-closed, buried, dusted book,
          How can I help myself from slipping, baited to your poetical hook?
          After running out of my own pages to write,
          Will you really blame me if my ink spills on your byline?
          But, it was a forbidden love, I can only touch but never hold,
          To keep it forever engraved, I knew I had to let go. 
          The kind of engraving that looks like a beautiful carve,
          But when the blood seeps out, you know it was just an unhealed scar.
          How's one to know? When the knot of your love's already tied,
          Handcuffed to your one and only, I can't bring myself to even try. 


@TessaYoung5 accept my request...i cant dm you without your request....now thats funny lol


@TessaYoung5 As for being good-looking, you don’t have to tell me that twice... I already know I’m lucky enough to have caught your attention. But, let’s be real, you’re not the only one smiling right now. I’m sitting here, grinning like a fool, just thinking about you. So, maybe you’re the one who deserves a bit more credit here.


@TessaYoung5 haha let me dm you first okay? 


Thanks for the follow!