Your poetry book that u wrote for me is 169 in ranking out of 300k!!!?? Wow ur winning and i feel honouredddd

@TessaYoung5 and...i am also working on that smut story..just like how you want it...dont be surprised when i post it here haha...and then i want to have your thoughts on that ehm ehm..

@TessaYoung5 You have no idea how much that means to me. Knowing that you feel this way makes every word I wrote for you even more special. And honestly, if anyone should be flexing, it’s me...for having you..(i can write for you all my life...and i dont want credits either...i do this out of love..)

@Faisal_Writes hahahah ofc they dont know anything. But having a guy like you for me? Its such a flex lol, its hard to keep it a secret. I wish i could tell the whole world how you've written the most beautiful poetry for me. Its just that beautiful ♡