
Thanks for reading still after all these years 


Hope you all are staying safe through these tough times.
          I just wanted to ask you guys a quick question.
          I've decided I want to start a YouTube channel, but problem with that is I don't know what kind of content I wanna put out. I really just want to do it for entertainment during quarantine for you guys. So If you guys could give me ideas on what I should put out, I would love that.
          I thought of a few things I could do for the channel. Let me know what you guys think.
          1. I could read your favor Wattpad stories to you guys.
          You can give me a story to read and I would contact the author to ask them for their permission.
          2. Random challenges
          3. I could show you how I write my books and come up with ideas 
          (Speaking of I have multiple books on the way(not all mha fanfics tho))
          4. I could do storytimes 
          (I could add twists. They don't have to be original storytimes. Like you guys could inbox me and tell me your guy's stories that I could tell for you. Or I could make up stories.)
          5. Tips to get a job at 15
          6. Gameplays but only on smartphones(you guys could pick the games)
          8. Stuff about subliminal(if you know what that is)
          I could also make your suggested subliminals as well
          9. I've been told I'm very good at giving advice so you guys could inbox me on what you need advice about and I could help you out.
          10. Reaction vids(send me vids to react to)
          11. When I get to a certain amount of subscribers I could do a Q&A 
          12. Could do a get to know me vids also
          Ok guys that's all the ideas I have. If you guys are interested in any of that let me know or if you have ideas of your own also please let me know.
          Okie now byeeeee
          Wash your hands


@FandSlover1789 Yeah ofc np. Thank you for your support ❤️


@FandSlover1789 can you put a link to your channel once it made?