
@robinstar46 @oolyvia Welcome back to FandomClan :D @oolyvia [Lyv]- Writing @robinstar46 [Robin]- Official

Two days left to apply. \/ \/ \/ \/ There's no specific amount of people I'm letting in, so it's based on if you can get the application in on time and quality, not how many people I need. @alulusa @MuffinInDisguise @RavenGalaxy64 @-CastielTheAngel- @-Skycloud- @Mitzymoo13 @Tiger_Mcgarden @-Pretty-0dd @Bunny-Jingle @my_name_is_empty @Dapudding @Starclan4life @Cedarwood456 @_TootToot_ @robinstar46 @Chaosstar136 @HunterXHunter_Fan @animal_maniac @Yandere4MyOTP @_GoldenSoul_ @SanzterUnderRise @OnceUponAGirl2237 @rolsafrair @ThatCrazyLyv @AeroBellamy @-LooseWatermelon- @UntoldTa1es @Brook_In_The_Meadow @peppermint_pup @Jayfeather4evers @ariesgirl5962 @Icepelt @Slushy526 @UrainianUmbra

Seven days left to apply to be a FandomClan admin. Things are already being improved and in our critic section, art section is next! Soon we'll open up the interview and review forms... who wants to read some interviews? ~Lionstar

I've got "See You Again" on loop so that it can reach 3 billion views first. Meanwhile, I'll be crying whilst listening. I am c r y i n g. AGH. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RgKAFK5djSk&list=PLtzFqHffbT1RpqqtXu2a2AaKHL7BBFXqB HELP ME OUT AND PUT IT ON MUTE IF YOU HAVE TO. JUST LET IT PLAY ON LOOP. PLEASE. THIS IS FOR PAUL WALKER. HE DESERVES THIS.

Guys... check out the Admin's Guide... :) I'm also doing a live stream tomorrow AND Friday, no later than 4:30pm central... :D If you want to discuss literally ANYTHING, I'm game. Oh, and I nearly forgot to mention- GATHERING IS TOMORROW. @alulusa @MuffinInDisguise @RavenGalaxy64 @-CastielTheAngel- @-Skycloud- @Mitzymoo13 @Tiger_Mcgarden @-Pretty-0dd @Bunny-Jingle @my_name_is_empty @Dapudding @Starclan4life @Cedarwood456 @_TootToot_ @robinstar46 @Chaosstar136 @HunterXHunter_Fan @animal_maniac @Yandere4MyOTP @_GoldenSoul_ @SanzterUnderRise @OnceUponAGirl2237 @rolsafrair @ThatCrazyLyv @AeroBellamy @-LooseWatermelon- @UntoldTa1es @Brook_In_The_Meadow @peppermint_pup @Jayfeather4evers @ariesgirl5962 @Icepelt @Slushy526 @UrainianUmbra

@FandomClan_ If that little squiggle design shows anything my phone won't show it :((( And my phone is being stupid so I can't finish the form today but once I get on a computer tomorrow I will.

Should I livestream? Will I get rejected and ignored if I do it? I really want to right now. But I only want to do it if people watch it, so... that kind of defeats the purpose. Should I do it? Right now?

Ooh... what is this I have stumbled across?

Lol, thanks. You should make a roleplay to gain more members and make some of them active!

@Normal_Is_Lame well you must be insane. Welcome to the club! (clan? idek anymore) ~Lion

Hello, weird & imaginative kitties! I just updated the big FC book, so I'd like you to read that update. :P I have an idea for our writing section... For those of you who like to write short stories, please consider this! We will be accepting one-shots of any amount of cats! Ships (fluff, no smut), friendships, ceremonies, anything! We will be posting it in this book- https://www.wattpad.com/431771731-writing-contests-weekly-short-stories-intro (our Writing Contests book). More information is also in that book. :) ~Lionstar @slushy526 @alulusa @MuffinInDisguise @RavenGalaxy64 @-that-nerdy-cat-21- @-Skycloud- @Mitzymoo13 @Tiger_Mcgarden @-Pretty-0dd @-LittleMissBunny- @my_name_is_empty @Dapudding @Starclan4life @Cedarwood456 @_TootToot_ @robinstar46 @Chaosstar136 @Sk8ingMagikarp @animal_maniac @Yandere4MyOTP @_GoldenSoul_ @SanzterUnderRise @OnceUponAGirl2237 @rolsafrair @ThatCrazyLyv @AeroBellamy @-LooseWatermelon- @UntoldTa1es @Brook_In_The_Meadow @peppermint_pup @Jayfeather4evers @ariesgirl5962 @Icepelt @Slushy526 @UrainianUmbra