Hello Internet. I am a writer. A boy. Writer. Boy writer? Yeah. Well I'm a Fanboy. I am currently always writing. Enjoy. I guess.....wait maybe I don't write and I'm faking everything!?!?!....Lol NOPE. I'm a writer.
  • InscritJanuary 2, 2015


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Histoires par I Like Writing
Percy Meets Facebook par FandomWriterXFanboy
Percy Meets Facebook
Inspired by Neige_ who made the Famous: Percy Jackson Discovers Facebook. I wanted to do Something Like it so...
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Imposters FNAF Fanfic (CANCELLED) par FandomWriterXFanboy
Imposters FNAF Fanfic (CANCELLED)
The Case Behind The Bite of 87. Detective Korman wants to solve this case but Smith wants to get away from it.
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