"Why'd you have to make a record about me?"

In AO3 we trust

"There have been two great accidents in my life. One was the trolley, and the other was you. You were by far the worst." -Frida Kahlo
  • Husbando Heaven
  • RegistriertMarch 19, 2014

Letzte Nachricht
Fandomistsam Fandomistsam Oct 02, 2023 02:23AM
Working on my Otto Octavius X Reader story if anyone is interested. Based off the Sam Raimi universe in SM 2
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Geschichten von Ms.Understood
Compilation Of A Hopeless Romantic von Fandomistsam
Compilation Of A Hopeless Romantic
The best (worst?) of "Unlocked Diary of A Hopeless Romantic" by me. Poems and rants. Mostly poems...
Unlocked Diary of a Hopeless Romantic von Fandomistsam
Unlocked Diary of a Hopeless Roman...
Poems and whatever you call this writing
A Wolf's Dare von Fandomistsam
A Wolf's Dare
Xiaolian Kimi grew up in Harbin,China where dog meat sales are treasured. Her cousins started a dog meat farm...
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