
Another announcement:
          	Hi everyone, I'm putting Polar Opposites on hold. I'm currently revising what I've already written and trying to figure out a solid stroyline to get the rest on paper.
          	There's also some stuff about characters and setting/location that I really want to change since I feel like at the time I wrote it, I didn't consider enough that people could be insulted by it (such as Nick's full name that now feels like it's stereotypical and I finally got myself to start fixing that. - I'm a procastinator.).
          	My worldbuilding is not on point yet, so that needs to be fixed (I know, should've already done it). I am currently also working on a story about Diana which will help me getting the world on point.
          	The story is currently set in the US, but I barely know anything about the States, so I'm probably going to change the location to something closer to home, but keep the diversity I want in the characters. (but changing location to somewhere I know will make the story Eurocentric and that could also be a problem...) I'll figure it out somehow.
          	I'm rambling again. So I'm gonna rewrite and finish the story eventually. If you have questions during the time between this post and me picking up the story again, post them here and I'll respond as best as I can.
          	Hope you're having a nice day!


Another announcement:
          Hi everyone, I'm putting Polar Opposites on hold. I'm currently revising what I've already written and trying to figure out a solid stroyline to get the rest on paper.
          There's also some stuff about characters and setting/location that I really want to change since I feel like at the time I wrote it, I didn't consider enough that people could be insulted by it (such as Nick's full name that now feels like it's stereotypical and I finally got myself to start fixing that. - I'm a procastinator.).
          My worldbuilding is not on point yet, so that needs to be fixed (I know, should've already done it). I am currently also working on a story about Diana which will help me getting the world on point.
          The story is currently set in the US, but I barely know anything about the States, so I'm probably going to change the location to something closer to home, but keep the diversity I want in the characters. (but changing location to somewhere I know will make the story Eurocentric and that could also be a problem...) I'll figure it out somehow.
          I'm rambling again. So I'm gonna rewrite and finish the story eventually. If you have questions during the time between this post and me picking up the story again, post them here and I'll respond as best as I can.
          Hope you're having a nice day!


I've removed all pictures of the people I use as reference for my characters because I'm not sure which I can use. So, from now on, there won't be any mentions of "reference pics" or "character casting" in my stories to avoid confusion.
          I hope you understand and all have a nice day (whatever you're reading this) and thanks for taking interest in my little project.


@ FantasyAddicted1  *Whenever you're reading this, not whatever.
            That's what you get when you post while you're sleepdeprived... Oops.


Aan iedereen die dit leest: sorry dat ik er altijd zo lang over doe om verder te schrijven aan Polar Opposites. Ik ben bezig met het bewerken van de reeds geschreven delen en het vertalen ervan naar het Engels.
          Ik schrijf altijd verschillende verhalen tegelijk (P.O. is het enige dat online staat), en kan onmogelijk met een tijdsschema werken omdat ik me er toch niet aan houd. De laatste tijd ben ik niet meer erg actief geweest op Wattpad en ik voel me eerlijk gezegd niet zo gemotiveerd om aan het verhaal verder te werken (al dat ik me ook niet kan voorstellen dat ik dat nooit meer zal doen).
          *Aarzelend steek ik mijn hand op om naar je te zwaaien. Bijna onmerkbaar glimlach ik en draai ik me om terwijl jouw voetstappen op de kasseibaan steeds verder weg klinken. Wanneer ik er zeker van ben dat je me niet meer kunt horen, voeg ik er heel zachtjes aan toe: 'hoelang het ook duurt, ik kom terug.' Daarna keer ik terug naar mijn kamer en neem zuchtend plaats voor mijn laptop: tijd om nog een poging te wagen.*


@FantasyAddicted1 Als je geen motivatie hebt om te schrijven dan doe je het gewoon niet toch :)
            Het moet niet gedwongen zijn want dat is ook niet leuk