
          	Hi, This is Femmeclub.
          	I never thought I will write this again. But for the record, I already published the ‘THE END OF ALL THE ENDINGS’ The missing piece of THE ENDGAME AND MISCHIEF. I admit, I put this story in a back burner for years because I’m scared that this will never give justice to my characters. I wrote this chapter the same night I wrote the Chapter 40. And, I started this story when I was 18 in my bedroom in Naga. And reading this now as 21 years old in my bedroom in Manila, I think Marah and Alexander deserve an ending. A little fun fact; this story is based from my sister’s friend heart break. That story made me think, why love is so complicated? And Until now I’m still searching for answers. Thank you so much for reading the endgame and mischief, my heart swell knowing the idea that there are people out there who put their time and hearts out reading this piece. I hope you have good time reading this one and I hope this story brings you the idea of love in different form. Happy reading. 
          	Sincerely yours,




          Hi, This is Femmeclub.
          I never thought I will write this again. But for the record, I already published the ‘THE END OF ALL THE ENDINGS’ The missing piece of THE ENDGAME AND MISCHIEF. I admit, I put this story in a back burner for years because I’m scared that this will never give justice to my characters. I wrote this chapter the same night I wrote the Chapter 40. And, I started this story when I was 18 in my bedroom in Naga. And reading this now as 21 years old in my bedroom in Manila, I think Marah and Alexander deserve an ending. A little fun fact; this story is based from my sister’s friend heart break. That story made me think, why love is so complicated? And Until now I’m still searching for answers. Thank you so much for reading the endgame and mischief, my heart swell knowing the idea that there are people out there who put their time and hearts out reading this piece. I hope you have good time reading this one and I hope this story brings you the idea of love in different form. Happy reading. 
          Sincerely yours,




Hello Everyone, 
          This is FemmeClub. I am writing this note due to I have seen all of your messages and comments from my stories. First, I am in the state of astonishment right now. I cannot believe that there is still few readers who offered their time to read my stories and understand my characters. My heart is so full that some of you does take their time to reached the end and walk with me and my characters in every chapters. I was inactive these past few months due to school and work. I was busy collating knowledge from life and learning lessons. I been into places that gives new perspective and met people who shared their pages. Second, since A lot of you been sending me DMs and comments about the final chapter of The Endgame and Mischief, I am happy to announce that I am now proof reading the said chapter and will published it tomorrow. Actually, I have written that chapter a long time ago yet, I am so terrified that the writing style was terrible and I wasn’t able to provide the justice for the story itself. Yet, after several proof readings I can say that, that was the right ending for my characters. Third, After The Endgame and Mischief, I am planning to write 2 chapters as the ending of this whole series and revision the The Chasing Fire for the first entry of this series. Again, thank you so much for hanging out in here and providing company with my Characters. I hope you have a great time.
          FemmeClub. <3


@femmeclub wala na pong epilounge ng the end game and mischief? 


Shakiitt author. Parang gusto ko ng part 2.  kidding aside Po. I hope la Po na magkaroon ng happy ending si marah. Para manlang maka move on ako sa sakitt 


@FemmeClub hi poo, may final chapter pa po ba The Endgame and Mischief???