
Like my other posts, I apologize for the lack of content on my page. Fortunately, I'm currently writing a fresh story that I've committed to and will be spending my free time writing. I expect to be finished it sometime around this winter, but until then I'll just give you the title. Be ready for my story, Stars that Twinkle.


Like my other posts, I apologize for the lack of content on my page. Fortunately, I'm currently writing a fresh story that I've committed to and will be spending my free time writing. I expect to be finished it sometime around this winter, but until then I'll just give you the title. Be ready for my story, Stars that Twinkle.


I don't know how many times I'm going to say it, but I'm sorry for the wait. I have my classes, I've been moving the a different country, I've been writing my other 7 stories for ya'll, and I'm trying my best to complete Days Lost for everybody! So thank you everyone!


Still working on my stories, I know that it is annoying that I am not actually done, and every time I update it you think it might be. However, I promise to complete them in the near future, so thank you to everyone that has stayed this long!


Once again, sorry for the super long wait, I am worrying about y education along with the stories, but I am getting back into it again. In time I will release the finished product of our story, Legend In the Legacy. As for now though, you'll have to wait. Thanks for your patience!