Name's Fern!

I am 23 y.o., nonbinary, and living in Russia.

I aspire to be an aspiring writer : ) Right now mostly interested in sharing some of my favorite works and seeing whether they land. My current wheelhouse is short stories and shorter poems. (And D&D campaigns)

I am a huge fan of all kinds of media but specifically cartoons, and want to try writing a script one day!
  • انضمAugust 21, 2020

قصص بقلم fern v
Soothsayers بقلم FernVei
Two of the elder, divine childen of the great Primate Mother make their way through the primordial jungle, to...
Claim بقلم FernVei
She's floating, as one with the dark as she can be. (Written for a reedsy prompts contest! https://blog.reed...
on codependency بقلم FernVei
on codependency
"Standing repentant in the temple of love." A small exploration of love, codependency and self-reje...
ranking #178 في codependency إظهار جميع المراتِب