
rp starters: 
          	1 (present) Tris ran through camp, eyes wild. "Will... I need Will!" 
          	2 (future) Tris ran into Thomas on her way to the Hecate cabin. 
          	3 (alternate universe) Tristan hugged her jacket closer to her, feeling the icy air prick at her. 
          	1 is present obviously, 2 is when she's seventeen, and 3 is when she's twenty


@_Sunny-Boy_ (Yep. I did. I’m just on another acc, btw) 


rp starters: 
          1 (present) Tris ran through camp, eyes wild. "Will... I need Will!" 
          2 (future) Tris ran into Thomas on her way to the Hecate cabin. 
          3 (alternate universe) Tristan hugged her jacket closer to her, feeling the icy air prick at her. 
          1 is present obviously, 2 is when she's seventeen, and 3 is when she's twenty


@_Sunny-Boy_ (Yep. I did. I’m just on another acc, btw) 


rp starters: 
          1 (present) Tris ran through camp, eyes wild. "Will... I need Will!" 
          2 (future) Tris ran into Thomas on her way to the Hecate cabin. 
          3 (alternate universe) Tristan hugged her jacket closer to her, feeling the icy air prick at her. 
          1 is present obviously, 2 is when she's seventeen, and 3 is when she's twenty


Rp starters: 
          1 (future) Tris was trying to settle a dispute between a few dryads. 
          2 (present) Tris was arguing with her mother about her powers, knowing that she'd need to use them on a quest, much to her mom's distaste. 
          3 (past) "Does the Fifth Cohort accept the new recruit?" everyone started to pound their shields against the ground. "we accept," a centurian said. 
          4 (past) Tris ran through the woods with a few dryads and Willow, giggling.