
Hey, Finn-base. (Like fan-base, but I'm Finn. xD Let me have this one.) I've probably left a few of you hanging with PMs and comments towards the end of this year -- I'm really sorry! 2018 has been a right old bastard and I haven't been around!
          	But I *have* been working on the @OpenNovellaContest , which is bigger and bolder than ever. :D It's been great fun so far and had lots of interest, which is always good!
          	And, to clear up questions I've had already, that is still me in my profile picture. xD Just with long hair and no bangs/fringe. Meaning I have an actual face after all.
          	Hope you're all well! 


@FinnyH You and me both. You might see me returning too lol. Nice to see you're back mate.


@FinnyH glad to hear you're doing well.


@FinnyH Heheee, you're so cute, squishy! I read the Open Novella prompts yesterday and I thought all my Christmases had come at once. You guys are brilliant! There are like 10 prompts I am itching to work with.


The boyfriend project sounds like a good book. I am writing my own book it is about me being a trybrid (wich is a vampire, werewolf and witch. ) But I am not done with it yet but I will tell you when I am so maybe you can read it and tell me what you think of it.


Please check out my story "The winds have sound" I have put a lot of love and hard work in it. Would literally mean world to mean if anyone checks it out. Please just don't read my comment and skip. Please read my story one time.


Hi, Finn!  I am an Italian author and have recently been trying to rewrite some stories in English.  I wanted to ask you something about your covers: what program do you use?  They are really well done.


@FinnyH I also use phone apps.  I know Picsart and it's the one I use too.  Thank you for your reply, I will inform you about the others.


@CC_Meunier I use several because I mostly did them via phone app! A combination of Superimpose, Pics Art and Phonto. Canva is supposed to be quite good too, but I've not used that for covers yet . 