Hey guys, just wanted to update you since we haven’t spoken in a bit. I haven’t written anything, literally anything, not even my Wattpad diary.
I’m sorry you haven’t been seeing any updates from me, it’s just school is really stressful right now, and I have a lot of work to do to maintain good grades.
I’ll be deleting My Wattpad diary on account of realizing that I probably shouldn’t be broadcasting my ife over the internet, not to be rude but I suppose it is no ones business.
I’m fine by the way, have been doing well, it’s quite snowy here so I cant walk to the library to type updates, and I can’t at school because I lost my off period due to the failing of my Chinese class.
Again though, all is well. I want to sleep right now but I have one more period, Relationships and Marriage to go to, if I don’t I’ll be in loads of trouble. So I’ll talk to you guys soon.
Love you guys so much.
Bye xoxo