Hello, I just started going back through all of CRGangell books to make certain that I had starred each chapter. I happened to notice your comment asking "What is a TARDIS?"
If you happen to like watching ANY sort of British T.V. and enjoy science fiction, I would suggest trying to find some DVDs of the original Dr. Who series and watching a few of them. They are old - the first few are in B&W, but they are VERY good, and well worth the effort to find them(and the time to watch them). They started out as very short .... acts I guess, and eventually became extremely popular - they even managed to cross the Atlantic and became popular with science fiction fans in the U.S.. They eventually became something of a 'staple' for many fans of science fiction around the world.
The series started in 1963 and ran until 1989, and was re-booted in 2005 and continues to the present. There are also two feature films featuring the Doctor: "Dr. Who and the Daleks"(1965), and "Daleks – Invasion Earth: 2150 A.D."(1966). The series has also spawned a number of spinoffs as well.