
ugh this is so unfortunate, now that i have a perfect wonderful boyfriend i have so much,,, inspiration for scenes because of the things we’ve done and i know much more about some lovely sexual scenes but i can no longer think of anyone, fictional or not, like that !! my brain is too drawn to him!!!
          	should i just write about my life *skull emoji* it’s already as much a soap opera as possible, i’ve got a dramatic backstory i can’t even remember and everything


ugh this is so unfortunate, now that i have a perfect wonderful boyfriend i have so much,,, inspiration for scenes because of the things we’ve done and i know much more about some lovely sexual scenes but i can no longer think of anyone, fictional or not, like that !! my brain is too drawn to him!!!
          should i just write about my life *skull emoji* it’s already as much a soap opera as possible, i’ve got a dramatic backstory i can’t even remember and everything


ugh i’m so mad i keep having cool ideas for a tendou fic i really want to write but i have absolutely NO idea how to start it off (´°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ )


@FranticFanficFanatic I’ll be ur first reader if u do


          so yeah, i am on hiatus for a bit- lots of stuff has been going on and my health has declined so i won’t be writing for a while, but i will still share my ideas and whatnot!
          •i saw a pinterest post ( link: ) and thought of Eita Semi post timeskip, im gonna make a reading list full of Semi stuff for research since i have NO GRASP on his personality (please suggest fics if you have some for me to study up on <3)
          •the possible teruhashi fic is becoming more and more likely (def gonna b sapphic) because of how much i’ve been thinking about it 
              - how to incorporate new character into saiki-verse (i don’t like the idea of saiki reading y/n’s thoughts bc that might b a struggle but also, then saiki would approach y/n when she starts falling for Teruhashi to get her off his back)
              -personality of y/n (what would Teruhashi like in terms of women?) (probably someone similarly “cold” as how Saiki is but has those sweet “aww” moments [like how the girl who was engaged to kyoya saw kyoya thru the video game] that would entice her)
              -etc etc
          •god i wanna make a tendou fic so bad but i have no idea how to start it; i know it’s gonna have Y/N need a french tutor (Tendou in post timeskip goes to france to b a choclatier it’d make sense he knows a good bit of french) and i wanna make it smut bc omg Tendou i love you so any ideas are greatly appreciated!
          love you all so much! <3 
          drink water and stay safe, see you when i get back!


lol it may or may not have been over a month BUT, i'm back to writing! dunno if i'll write enough for me to post it but yeah. ALSO; should i keep the little indents i do at the beginning of paragraphs? I was taught to always tab paragraphs and since Wattpad doesnt have tab enabled i just kinda add 8 spaces to the beginnig of my paragraphs