
Are y'all alive?


Hey, guys! It's Lilla here.
          I know I haven't been writing HB for a really long while and there might be some of you who were waiting for chapter 7 and I get it.
          But, here's the thing:
          I discovered I wanted to be a writer July 23rd, 2023.
          Chapter 6 was uploaded on May.
          And, I don't think you know this, but, I'm brazilian. I speak portuguese.
          So I wanna improve my portuguese grammar now.
          Not only that, but I got another story being worked on, and it's the one I wanna adapt to a real movie and book the most. (It's in my native language)
          So I'm not going to upload any more Heartbreaking Bonds' chapters.
          I'm sorry.
          It's my first ever story and I love it so much, but I think it's a way more complicated process since it was planned to be a musical series. It's best for me to sell the script and have it as a movie one day.
          Or if it doesn't work, I'll just finish it as a simple book or never do.
          Well, that's it! Thank you for reading, 2% of my followers, haha…
          See you someday! (I'm still alive, don't worry!)


@ f00tnotewilldo  MAS EU NÃO QUERO AJSKDNBDB???


Chapter 2 of H̶e̶a̶r̶t̶breaking Bonds is out! I've decided I'll upload the chapters once every two weeks. Stay tuned on May 5th!


I legit, like, LOVE these stories, I can’t stop reading them  I’m so excited for your next chapter in Heartbreaking Bonds!


@ ixBluebxrry  tysm!!! Actually I published chapter 1 just now, I'm tired of waiting lol
            Plus I have 5 chapters done so far so there's enough time to edit-post