
Ugh I'm so sorry to anyone who started reading my new story. I mean it only had about 4 entries but still... I just felt like I was really neglecting it and my heart wasn't truly into the story and plot. Unfortunately, I decided that it would be best if I deleted it. I know many of you might not know what I'm even talking about, but for those who did start reading it I'm sending my sincerest apologies. It's just that I strongly believe that if your not putting all your heart and soul into your work and not truly believing in the plot/story it can't truly ever be a success. Also, I've just been so busy with school and I don't have as much time on my hands. I hope that one day I will have the time to create another story and put my heart into it completely...Until then, 'His Betrayal' will remain my one and only story *sigh* ... ;D


Thank you so much for taking the time to message me and read my story! I'm glad you enjoyed it :) When I initially released my story I did plan on doing a sequel and even started writing it, but then I decided to just leave it as is. I don't think I will be doing a sequel anytime soon because they can sometimes make the story more complex than it needs to be. I hope in the future you decide trying to write a book because I'd love to read it! Have a wonderful day 


Ugh I'm so sorry to anyone who started reading my new story. I mean it only had about 4 entries but still... I just felt like I was really neglecting it and my heart wasn't truly into the story and plot. Unfortunately, I decided that it would be best if I deleted it. I know many of you might not know what I'm even talking about, but for those who did start reading it I'm sending my sincerest apologies. It's just that I strongly believe that if your not putting all your heart and soul into your work and not truly believing in the plot/story it can't truly ever be a success. Also, I've just been so busy with school and I don't have as much time on my hands. I hope that one day I will have the time to create another story and put my heart into it completely...Until then, 'His Betrayal' will remain my one and only story *sigh* ... ;D


I just read a reply that you had to a comment that said you were 12 years old when you wrote this story. Well let me start by saying WOW, NEVER would I have guessed that. I'm not a writer and no English major, I did however see some mistakes in the grammar, but nothing that a good editor couldn't repair. After saying that, I see that you say you aspire to become an English teacher one day, so I'm sure you will also make the best editor. This story was interesting, sweet, sometimes upsetting. It is an awesome story that you should be proud of, especially having been written at such a young age. I have read plenty of stories here on Wattpad, and there are a few that could not hold my interest at all and I only read the first chapter or two. People need to realize that this is a site filled with amateur writers sprinkled with a few seasoned and published ones. Keep writing, don't let this be your only work, I'm gonna follow you, and hope to read something else from you one day.  Thanks again for  His Betrayal.