
Hi I'm bored. Let's join the party once more


Update for those who care to read:
          I am completely resetting my stuff. I have recently come back to my lost love of Jesus Christ and want to apply that here, but I also want check myself as this website isn't exactly known for the best writing in the world. I have unpublished Stone maid and will be changing my reading lists up as well. 
          I want to completely do away with reading certain genres that take me away from Jesus, but I am struggling with my love for really good plots and how embedded they are in these worldly tropes and concepts, many of which are unhealthy or, simply put, not Biblical. Much love and blessings to you all!


Ok. So, I’ve been working on another story that is allowing me to hold off on Stone Maid for a while. It’s completely different and is a LOT more action packed than Stone Maid. I’ll probably be posting it soon anyways, but thought?


I hate this, but I started another one of my ideas... and I'm already like three chapters in not including the prologue. I guess it's okay since I'm not really looking to get anything big. I just write what's on my mind, and whatever characters  can get my attention. These ones are just very prominent in my head and I can't get them out for the life of me. I guess that's why I'm already three chapters in. Probably start posting them tomorrow...


Happy 4th of July!!   I hope that those who are celebrating have a great time with your friends and families! I’ll be working, but it’s fine . Seriously though, enjoy your Thursday and have fun. Updates will hopefully come this weekend or beginning next week.