Hello. This isn't about your Clockwork story, but about its descriptive blurb. It needs a hook, namely your MC and his problem. The bulleted list of physics laws is not appealing to a typical reader. You'll want a compelling blurb as step one in getting readers. I notice that there is blurb-help to be had on the forums. Pardon the unsolicited advice, but your entry on the "Share Your Story" thread mentioned that you desire more people reading your work.
I'm a physicist, haha, so I'm /a bit/ different. Thanks for your grace and positivity.
@guywortheyauthor Thank you for the feedback. What!? People don't love physics? That actually makes quite a bit of sense thinking about it. I'll check out the forums then. And even if it was unsolicited, I appreciate it. I'm posting on multiple websites with the same blurb and seeing similar relative results, so I'll give changing it a go.