
Hi hi, hey hey, long time no see, the Queen returns and she comes with some news.
          	Firstly, I missed the interactions I've had on here and the communities I've created in my Kamijiro novels.
          	I have something new to announce: I'll be posting a new novel as we go in to May, though it's from a completely different fandom than what you'll be used to. Don't get me wrong, I love Kamijiro with my whole heart but if that is what you look for from me, search elsewhere. I still may write about them from time to time but I'm going to work on much different content now.
          	For those of you still here who've enjoyed my stories, thank you, and if you intend to read the new one, I hope you enjoy it. :)


          I'm wondering if u will ever write a Bakujirou story again?:>
          Ik that u usually write Kamijirou stories  but I really enjoyed the one that  had Bakujirou in it<3
          - Hope ur doing well and I also hope that u will answer


Hi hi, hey hey, long time no see, the Queen returns and she comes with some news.
          Firstly, I missed the interactions I've had on here and the communities I've created in my Kamijiro novels.
          I have something new to announce: I'll be posting a new novel as we go in to May, though it's from a completely different fandom than what you'll be used to. Don't get me wrong, I love Kamijiro with my whole heart but if that is what you look for from me, search elsewhere. I still may write about them from time to time but I'm going to work on much different content now.
          For those of you still here who've enjoyed my stories, thank you, and if you intend to read the new one, I hope you enjoy it. :)


The final chapter for Forgive & Forget will be released around 12-1PM Central US time tomorrow. See you there!


@Kaiser_Franz_Joseph Central US IS a single timezone lmao


@ Galactic_Flow  *cEnTrAl uS tImE*
            Why not just 1 timezone?


To all the people wondering where I've gone or why I've paused updating all my stories is because I took a few months off to focus on school. I recently graduated high school and am planning on going to college in the fall.
          Letter of Love doesn't really have a set plot or any sort of storyline, it's more like a quickie story I can just write whenever I get an idea for.
          Forgive and Forget is still being worked on, I think there'll be around 2-3 chapters left for the novel. (It may or may not have an epilogue) Apologies for the long wait.
          I've wanted to write a Villain Kaminari AU for quite a while and I'm excited to say I have part of it's plot outlined! However, it won't be out anytime soon. (Within the next year possibly.)
          Along with the AU I have a few others, I have a college AU, (which will probably not be complete within this year) and a few shorts and one shots I've written. Don't know whether those will be posted or not.
          With all that out of the way I have one more announcement, I'm not moving entirely, in fact I think I'll end up staying here anyway because I love Wattpad's cover feature, but I want to expand my platforms and try AO3 as well! 
          So for anyone wondering if I'm okay I'm totally fine, just took time for myself and school is all.


@Ben_grayson Sorry this explanation is long overdue, but yes, the villain Kami AU goes along with the artwork. 
            And yea, I only like Wattpad because of book covers and how easy it is to get from chapter to chapter.


@Galactic_Flow congrats on graduating! And with the villain Kami AU would it be simular to some of the art you've posted on instagram? 
            Also AO3 is a great site and I'd love to read your stories there( I personally like it better than wattpad)