A sky that feels so close, as if a fingertip touch away from gracing my hand, but sits higher than I- standing on my own shoulders ten times over. The purple twilight, the golden day break, the blue afternoon, and the paling pink goodbye of the sun all seem like they would kiss the tips of my fingers if I reached out, if I stretched myself just enough, but yet no such luck. For the beautiful white flowers that bloom and sway each day are in fact miles away, and the colorful and ever changing grass in which they bloom nothing more than a layer of gas kept in by the incessant hug of this planet. It seems nothing more than a cruel joke, to keep such pleasant things, such beautiful and captivating things, out of my reach. But perhaps I’ll reach them one day- perhaps one day I’ll be tall enough that I won’t even need to outstretch my fingers to touch them. But till then, till the day I get to touch and love upon the sky with my own two hands, I think I’ll keep stretching out. I think I will.
I started thinking about how short I am…