
I have been seeing some really great covers lately! If anyone knows what app they use for these amazing edits, please let me know! I already use PicsArt but it isn't all that good for making covers. Please help! 


Ah! I hate writers block! Does anyone know a cure for this horrible disease? I need advice for a young writer. Please help. 


Wow, thanks! I'll use that in my stories and see how that works. Thanks for the tip. :) 


@GemRevenge Well when I get Writers block, I just think about how I'm feeling right now. for example, whenever I feel angry or sad I put that into words that help build my atmosphere for my story. You could also just use your surrounding for an idea or look at a picture and use that as an inspiration.


Hello everyone! I am so sorry about my lack of updating but I assure you I won't be one of those people that just completely drops the story or doesn't update for several months. I may hit a writers block here and there but I promise I'll get back on it. That's all for now, ta-ta!


Hello everyone! Now that school is starting to come to a close, I'll be able to update my story "All That Blood" more now 
          If you have any ideas for a fan-fiction that I should write, let me know and I'll give it a try!