I would too!! I used to have the biggest crush on Jayy haha, btw I checked your profile and I swear we should be related with the amount of stuff we have in common :3
OH MY GOD ME TOO. AGH :3 I saw them live at my city and like yeah :3 and w000 I look like Dahvie :3! I don't know if it should be a good thing or a bad thing but at least we know that Dahvie looks like a teenage girl c:
YOU LIKE BOTDF?! Yay c: I prefer Jayy tbh... And oh wow, it's me but like it was Halloween and me and my friends were doing funny poses so like I tried to be Dahvie o.o
Uh so if you like my stories then I'm really sorry...
I've just been having a rough time lately and I can't seem to write anything because of all of this stuff going on. I hope you understand if you even care :p sorry I will definitely continue writing when I feel better and I'm back on my feet :3