
hi humans this vampire came to check in say have a great life and stay happy not Depresso espresso. :3


quotes to raise the spirt 
          1. “It doesn’t matter what you look like on the outside, as long as you’re a good person, as long as you respect others.”
          ― Gerard Way.
          2. “Be yourself, don’t take anything from anyone, and never let them take you alive.”
          ― Gerard Way.
          3. “Would you destroy something perfect in order to make it beautiful?”
          ― Gerard Way.
          4. “Every attempt should feel like a final charge up the hill. Tomorrow doesn’t exist.”
          ― Gerard Way.
          5. “Sing, that’s the most powerful weapon you have.”
          ― Gerard Way.
          6. “You can do amazing things when you believe.”
          ― Gerard Way.
          7. “Heroes are ordinary people who make themselves extraordinary.”
          ― Gerard Way.
          8. “Anything can be art. Anything can be self-expression. Now you take the weapon and run with it.”
          ― Gerard Way.
          9. “All we ever wanna do is inspire somebody to be who they wanna be and to give them a little bit of hope.”
          ― Gerard Way.
          10. “Being in tune with yourself and your inner truth, being at peace in there, is the best way to nurture your creativity.”
          ― Gerard Way.
          11. “Real revenge is making something of yourself.”
          ― Gerard Way.
          12. “The clearest actions come from truth, not obligation.”
          ― Gerard Way.
          13. “There’s not a lot of art forms where you can control your presentation and your ideas.”
          ― Gerard Way.
          14. “You just go with your gut instinct, because your gut is smarter than your heart.”
          ― Gerard Way.
          15. “Playing in front of millions of people erases everything I hate about myself. Nothing can hurt me.”
          ― Gerard Way.
          16. “The more attention you get and the more threatening or dangerous you appear to people. The more people try to knock you down.”
          ― Gerard Way.