          	New music track I composed on my YouTube channel.


Ah, Glenn, I see you’ve traded in your trusty quill for a fiery skull! It’s bold, it’s dramatic, and it screams, “I’m here to burn through writer’s block—literally.” I suppose if the words aren’t flowing, at least the flames are, right? Keep the inferno alive, just don’t set your keyboard on fire while you're at it!


Hey beautiful, thank you for following my profile. I appreciate it <3


            Haha, it's beautiful either way.


@Riya_Maharaj Beautiful? I have a flaming skull for a head! But you're welcome.


@GlennRiley48 So you’ve got the fiery Ghost Rider persona going, but let’s not forget the real terror that lurks in the shadows—vampires. It’s always amusing how a guy who can channel the flames of hell can still get jumpy about a pair of fangs and a cape! I mean, you can handle demonic chains and infernos, but a seductive female vampires just a bit too much, huh? Keep an eye out, Glenn, the next bat flying by might just be coming for you! Hah!


Is that where you play a vampire and I am the The Spirit Of Vengeance? I write my stuff and help Eckland with whatever stuff she wants me to write. The collaboration started as a friendly competition between me and Lady Eckland as to who could write the best scary stories and then started helping her more.