
I might not update for a little due to having to get things ready for online schooling and personal things. I promise I'll try to update when I can! Have a wonderful day!


R.I.P Technoblade. He has done many things for people and even me. Technoblade never dies even though he's no long here physically, he will remain in everyone's memories of being the kindest, brightest person who has helped out many by being there guiding light. We will always see Technoblade as one of the greatest streamers and friend to his fans and his friends.
          Rest in peace legend.


Sorry I haven't posted any content. I've been busy and had writers block. But I will post soon!


@Clementine_WritesXD it's ok take your time. Go at your pace. And have fun 


So I have good news and bad news! Good news is that I have a new story idea and is really wanting to start it.
          Bad news is I have a new story idea and really want to start it. I still need to finish my others but I can't come up with what to next in the story's. I need ideas so if anyone has one please tell me!