Hi everyone,
I am GoodPolishBoy. I write silly short stories, I do not consider myself a serious writer, I just write for fun. I won't be writing on a regular basis but I will write when I feel like it. The short stories will have different themes from time to time but mainly they will just be silly stories that have no real reason.
I hope you enjoy my stuff.
  • InscritFebruary 4, 2019


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GoodPolishBoy GoodPolishBoy Apr 06, 2020 07:42PM
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Histoires par GoodPolishBoy
The Table par GoodPolishBoy
The Table
A tragic story about Table Bob Ross going missing after all the wood in the world goes missing.
ranking #863 dans la catégorie ross Voir tous les classements
The Story of the Sad Cat par GoodPolishBoy
The Story of the Sad Cat
Now that is a sad story for a cat.
ranking #2 dans la catégorie sadcat Voir tous les classements
2 Listes de Lectures