So sorry I missed your message! Thank you so much for the compliments! Ilygsm for reading my story . Coming up with a plot is hard, and it unfortunately takes a lot of time and effort (you could probably tell by my lack of consistent updates, lol.) lots of inspiration comes from reading other books and getting a small scenario in my head. I usually start with a very basic action I want to take place in the story. (Like: I want Elsa to try and show off in front of Jack. Or I want Jack to get mad at Elsa.) I really start off with very little and work around it. The dialogue will just flow from there! But most importantly, and you've probably heard this before, you need to know how the story will end. Once you know where you want to go, you'll have no trouble getting there! (As long as you don't rush yourself )
Another tip: make sure you can add lots of details. Make a picture in the reader's heads. Make sure the reader won't get confused or lost by separating dialogue between characters and adding actions in between!
As for Wattpad in general, read other's books and stories and vote and comment on them!
Thank you for messaging me! (Sorry the response was super long and probably really boring, but thanks ) ❄️