
With my new free time I have decided to unpublish and fix The Submissive to the Tyrant. I will be re-writing it and running it through spell check as well as my own writing editing apps for handwritten editing. Once all current chapters are fixed up, new chapters will be in the works. Thank you for reading this and I hope you all enjoy reading an updated version of my fanfic :3


With my new free time I have decided to unpublish and fix The Submissive to the Tyrant. I will be re-writing it and running it through spell check as well as my own writing editing apps for handwritten editing. Once all current chapters are fixed up, new chapters will be in the works. Thank you for reading this and I hope you all enjoy reading an updated version of my fanfic :3


Thanks 4 following. 


No problem! Any fan of Borderlands is a friend of mine.