My graphic shop is opened for commercial requests and I’m back in town. Leave a comment, send me an Instagram DM, or email me if you need any book cover help! Love you ❤️
Hello Guinealove,
I'm curious about your series "The Shadow of Wisdom"...
When will it be updated?
It is on a standstill since 2022...
The first book was really great and i loved reading it!
Please continue
My graphic shop is opened for commercial requests and I’m back in town. Leave a comment, send me an Instagram DM, or email me if you need any book cover help! Love you ❤️
Beginning May 6 2024, Wattpad is removing the ability to send personal private messages (PM’s) to users and all old messages between users will be deleted unfortunately. If you have previously requested a book cover from me and would like your order to still be fulfilled, please comment your request with the old or current design details in this chapter of my graphic design shop. Please follow me on Instagram: @Guinealove2005 or email me at the address in my bio if you’d like to get in touch with me privately. This totally sucks and Wattpad has continued to let many users down with the changes to their site. Tysm for reading this :):):):)
Is anyone currently looking for a cover or idea for a Henry Cavill fanfiction? I have a cover in my drafts for an idea titled “The Painting”. It’s a beautiful cover and made by yours truly ❤️This is a random announcement, but send me a PM if interested… :)