So. I like to rant and I didn't like the last about. So here I am. I like to write, read, and do art. I hope you enjoy my books.
-H.M. Bird out
  • my imagination
  • انضمMarch 9, 2018


الرسالة الأخيرة
HMBird HMBird Dec 29, 2021 06:22PM
Hi, I'm taking a break from writing. I dont know for how long, but I have just been informed that books are a waste and now I dont really have the hope or longing to write. Again I dont know how long...
عرض جميع المحادثات

قصص بقلم H.M.Bird
Panic! A Book Of Poems بقلم HMBird
Panic! A Book Of Poems
Sit back, enjoy this random book of poems. Don't question the randomness of this book.
A penny for your thoughts بقلم HMBird
A penny for your thoughts
You know what would be convenient? A rant for the discription. So... This is a book of rants, thought, and ot...
ranking #8 في whatsonmymind إظهار جميع المراتِب
A story with no plot بقلم HMBird
A story with no plot
You have found a notebook, but what is inside is what confuses you. It appears to be a well used journal of s...
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