
Hi, I'm taking a break from writing. I dont know for how long, but I have just been informed that books are a waste and now I dont really have the hope or longing to write. Again I dont know how long I will be gone, but it might be forever if I cant get over the waste I am creating. Thank you for understanding


Hi, I'm taking a break from writing. I dont know for how long, but I have just been informed that books are a waste and now I dont really have the hope or longing to write. Again I dont know how long I will be gone, but it might be forever if I cant get over the waste I am creating. Thank you for understanding


Hi! So I just finished My Mate the Dragon (check it out in must reads) and I really like a certain character, but there is a second book based around that character and his mate called My Mate the Crow and I am kinda scared to read it. What should I do? Just read it or preserve my memory of the character.


So, it's a snow day were I'm at, but there is almost no snow. So I am going to take this opportunity to say that there is something wrong with me. People are supposed to be able to empthasize with other people, but I don't think I can. I can empthasize with animals just fine, but when it comes to humans I can't which causes me to not care, but I have to say this too. Thank you for all of the support on my books, but I might not update oftan. When I do it will probably be few and far apart. I am truly sorry for disappointing you all.
          -H.M.Bird out