Thanks so much for the follow and your support. You have some amazing authors in your lists already. Best of luck in your pursuit to find more great romance reads! I look forward to more updates! ❤️
@samkately we have a slack account. For our anthology, we like to ask authors to join so that we can brainstorm and create something special together.
If anyone has slack, please pm me your account and I will add you. Hoping to get an anthology for the summer!
Thank you again. That sounds great - I would definitely be interested. @xwillowee@Sevannah_Storm and @LillyMHenderson might be some wonderful writers to ask about the anthology, too.
@samkately thank you! We’re hoping to do another anthology soon! If you or any authors you know would like to collaborate with us, we are excited to meet them!
Hey y’all,
We’re growing! If you know of any books and authors you’d like to recommend to HRCollection, reply below! We’d love to read more healthy romance!