
Hey guys i posted on Ao3 so if you like mcyt i have a story there 


The thing about this world Tommy, is that good things don’t happen to heroes.
          Lemme tell you a story. A story of a man called Theseus. His country- well city-state actually- was in danger. So he went behind enemy lines. He slayed the Minotaur and saved his country! You know what they did to him? They exiled him. He died in disgrace, despised by his people. But if you wanna be a hero Tommy, thats fine. You wanna be a hero? Then die like one!
          -The Blood God


Alright my fellow North Easterners
          You know what time it is
          go to the supermarket now, by LOTS of snow salts. make sure your generator works (ice on the power lines), get everything inside that can’t get snow on it. Get gas in your car, check the plowing schedule for your town and plan around it.
          and most importantly
          make sure you have your shovel. it is not a fun time when you realize your snow shovel is broken.


So you’re telling me.
          He burned and looted the king’s vacation home.
          Then refused to repair or give back the things he stole.
          Of course the king and his boyfriend are mad. It doesn’t really matter that he’s a teenager or a war hero. He still burned and looted a home. How are you going to victimize him and make the king’s boyfriend the bad guy? 
          (just fandom things. if ykyk)


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            TommyInnit’s youtube.
            “The Dream SMP War”
            Watch the series. You won’t regret it


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            i want in on this...


Vermont is like some shitty country during wartime.
          i biked down to the market to get some eggs and sugar for cookies, and before going in some cop stopped me and asked for some form of identification (the equivalent of asking for papers). They wanted to make sure i’m not supposed to be quarantining.
          i’m a 13 year old kid
          wtf do you want? my school ID? just let me get my damn eggs man.


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Lol that awkward moment the deer population decreases. which is a good thing bc less deer = more fruits and veggies that don’t get eaten and also less deer that get hit by cars.
          and then you realize that the reason the deer population is decreasing is because the coyote population is increasing.
          The north shore of Long Island (mainly Suffolk county) is now populated by coyotes
          [send help i saw one in the woods today while on my run and almost shit myself]